Tanzen auf dem Malerwanderweg

Juliane Schreiber designed and created the costumes for the multidisciplinary dance performance Tanzen auf dem Malerwanderweg by artist Jan Doms (NL)
Premiere in Theaters Tilburg (Schouwburg) 30.09.2017 Followed by a show at Parktheater Eindhoven, NL
Premiere in Theaters Tilburg (Schouwburg) 30.09.2017 Followed by a show at Parktheater Eindhoven, NL
Special focus on costume for dancer/perfomer Ulrike Doszmann:
highly stretchable machine knitted costume (developed at the TextielLab Tilburg, NL)
material dress & jacket: wool, Elirex, polypropylen, polyester, refelctive yarn, additonally: fiber fill for jacket
highly stretchable machine knitted costume (developed at the TextielLab Tilburg, NL)
material dress & jacket: wool, Elirex, polypropylen, polyester, refelctive yarn, additonally: fiber fill for jacket
Photo credits: Rudi Klumpkens